Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dear Bed,

Oh how I missed you last night; 
your fluffy pillows, smooth sheets, and comfy blankets,
your cosy warm embrace.
I wouldn't even have minded the noisy creatures I share you with,
if only we had spent more time together last night.

Instead I spent time in the starlight with someone,
someone who likes to sleep in the daytime sometimes more than in the night... 

Funny though,  how I really don't mind anymore....

must be love.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

He Hearts His Hammer

So while Jake and I have been hamming it up for the camera,
Dr. Nails has been hard at work outside on the shingling.
The tap tap tap is rather soothing I think...

Slowly but surely our l'il shack is looking sharp!

So might I add is Dr. Nails, in all his glory!
Oh it's a funny funny little life indeed....

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Big Day

We've had a few big days around here in the last year:

Remember when we raised the roof on this here l'il shack we love to call home?
or the day the wall came down, now that was a big one!
And obviously the BIGGEST day of them all:

Well we recently had another big day:

A four month birthday and a one year anniversary!
It was a year ago on the 25th that we found out we were going to be somebody's parents,
exactly 8 months later he was here, and now he's already four months old!

Hard to believe that in so little time our lives have changed so much....

It has been the most exciting and joyous year I have ever known,
and I cannot wait to see what the next year will bring!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Anticipation is My Friend

Some of the things I can't wait to do with Jake:
( in no particular order... )

1.  Rake a pile of leaves for him to jump into

2.  Science projects

3.  Disneyland!

4.  Take him to a foreign country to learn about the culture

5.  Puddle jumping
(even knowing that there will be much laundry)

6.  Take him horseback riding

7.   Paper mache

8.  Bedtime stories

9.  Bake cookies
(although I will be sad to relinquish the licking of the beaters)

10.  Halloween

11.  Listen to him sing the same song over and over and over....

12.  Teach him whatever he wants to learn

I could probably go on and on,
but you might get bored ; }

They grow up oh so fast....

To be continued?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

To Be or Not To Be

The question today dear readers is posed to you!

I have posted a poll on the right hand side of the blog
and am interested in what you guys have to say about this:

I have heard alot of talk from other moms lately about infant courses,
including but not limited to:  swimming, massage, music, creativity and stimulation.
I am totally on the fence about these classes,
and am unabashedly fishing for info.

One side of me says that they are so small at this stage, and that what they require right now
 - lots of love and cuddles to help them develop the confidence
that will carry them through their adult years -
 I can provide.

On the other hand, so many people are signing their children up,
so I think there's got to be something to all this.
Is it ever to early to start learning?

So, what do you think?
Weigh in on the poll, you can do so anonymously!

Either way, I think the most important thing is that he's happy : )

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Mystery and a Moment

We came home yesterday to find this:

( the toy, not the baby - he was with us I promise! )

It just magically arrived, 
so I'm thinking our little Jakey here has a secret admirer.
Thank you, whomever you are, he totally loves it;
and I wanted to say thank you to all of you out there who have given 
him so many wonderful and amazing things.
He is a lucky, lucky boy to have so many people care about him
and we are grateful indeed...

We are also lucky and VERY grateful for sunny days,
and hope winter is gone for good!

Happy Spring!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Photo of the Week

Week #8


There is something about this picture....

I don't know, he just looks amazed by something, 
and it just makes me think of how wondrous the world is when you're a child.
One of my greatest hopes is that I can fill his world with amazing things to wonder at : }

Friday, March 18, 2011

Five for Friday

Five Fun Things I Heart Today:

1.  YOU!  My lovely readers.  I'm so glad you're here,
without you I would only be talking to myself.

2. Diamonds : ]

3. Oxy Clean (don't ask, you don't want to know)

4. Rainy afternoons spent with my little

And my most favorite thing:

5. This moment:

Nap time:  Priceless.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Getting Crunchy

This might be a different type of post for me,
but it's something that was so freaking good I have decided to share it with you.
Seriously, consider yourself blessed.

Yes you read that right, Granola.
I was out and blogging about when I came across this recipe
for Peanut Butter Granola here from Summer Harms.
( She has lots of other delicious looking stuff too, have a wander )

I saw it and a strange thing happened to me; I simply HAD to have some...

Come on!  Who MAKES granola?
I do damn it, and I am terribly disappointed that I didn't make it sooner...
because it was GONE long before my brain had a chance to catch up to my stomach :0

You should try it to...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Bathing Beauties

Adventures in the pool bath tub

I had a hard time with this post.
I was tempted to call it 'Why Daddy, Why' part 2.
But that just didn't quite fit, he actually looked kind of happy.
Although that could have just been the way his wetsuit 
scrunched his face up all funny.

 The two of them really were just too cute,
and I thank Dr. Nails for the day he agreed to buy this huge tub for us.
Now he finally sees the light...

I said I wouldn't share it,
but I suppose every now and then I can bend the rules,
especially for a little guy like him who brings so much laughter into my world.

Bathe away boys, bathe away....

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Photo of the Week

Week #7

Smoothie Smoochies 

Remember those delicious smoothies I was making last week?
Yeah well, Jake wanted to try it.
An unsuccessful first attempt at big people food : }

Friday, March 11, 2011

Fun for Friday

One might wonder what this stay-at-home mom does all day.
One might not, but I'm going to tell you anyways.

Well, besides sweeping floors (endlessly), changing countless diapers,
wiping untold amounts of drool, numerous wardrobe changes (both him AND me),
scrubbing dishes, hiding countless loads of laundry behind closed doors,
making delicious things to eat, walking the Hannah Dog,
occasionally getting dressed and making the bed,
and vainly trying to maintain some semblance of sanity in my own mind....

I have
  so.  much.  fun.

How on earth could I not?

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Artsy is NOT Fartsy v1

This instalment of art on our walls comes to us courtesy of Dr. Nails himself.
Well, he was the one who performed the actual construction,
whilst I stuck to my old position of on-site supervisor.
What can I say, it's a good job...

I like to think the idea came from somewhere within the vast genius that is my head,
 but I'm pretty sure it was undoubtably via some design show or another on HGTV
( of which, by the way, I am thoroughly addicted to.)
So thanks go out to whichever good looking designer graced my living room that day
and planted the seed for this in my head.

It was really quite simple:
I kindly begged asked the lovely and talented Dr. Nails to build frames out of scrap wood he had,
and bam!  Just moments later he arose from Manland bearing three!
Once again his talent takes my breath away.

A few rounds of the staple gun on the fabric I had cut out to size
and voila!  Cheap and cheerful it is!

 I give you full permission to steal this idea too : )

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Weekend

There was lots of good stuff this weekend:

There was a muddy walk because it's almost spring!
Which lead to much sweeping as said mud sticks to paws and boots and stroller wheels.

There were berries
( from somewhere else where it is already spring )
that turned into yummy smoothies.

There was bread baking which meant great sandwich making,
and led to Dr. Nails professing his undying eternal love
just as long as I continue to bake it.

Mmmm, homemade Ciabatta!

There was shopping with Dr. Nails where the dinky fleet increased,

and lunch out at Lefty's where great pictures of food  were delivered for the menu.
There was ice cream eating and art making.
( which will be a whole other post to come soon! )

Then there was readings of great books,
such as 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?'.
And shingling of the house, painting of the trim,
and other fine works of carpentry.

There was also nap time and one big long sleep through the night!
( All of which certainly makes me happy ; )

Hope you had a good weekend too!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Trendy Tuesday v1

& Five For Friday - all in one!!  (can i get a hells ya?)

Five Fabulous Things I Love Today!

( And no, they do not ALL involve babies. )

1.  Bendy straws and the yummy drinks they come in

2.  Winter almost becoming spring

3.  Finding ridiculous deals at the mall

4.  Sadly, having a mini van

And my favorite thing at the moment:

5.  Joe Fresh

It's cheap, it's cheerful, it looks good, and it's actually half-decent!
( kinda like me.... ; )

Someone should be paying us endorsements for this one.

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tales from the baby's room

And er, the dining room, and the living room, and the master bedroom....

I remember b.b. (before babe),
when I had myself fully convinced that I would not be one of THOSE.
You know, those people who allow their children to take over the entire house.
You see them on tv, in movies and hey, maybe you even see it at your friends' houses:
Toys and baby gear strewn haphazardly throughout the entire house,
piles of dirty laundry stashed behind closed closet doors,
dishes in the sink and dirty floors.

 Oh no, that sorry state of affairs would not happen to me,
not in this little shack on the shore, no ways,
not with this here chick in charge. 
I was totally convinced that I would not become one of THOSE.

Well, I was totally wrong.

It's everywhere.
You know, I always equated it with a hostile takeover.
A coup d' état where we the parents are being overthrown,
 and the worst part is that the sweet little thing can't even crawl yet!

But the thing is, I like it, a lot.
I simply love the fact that he has a place to be no matter which part of the house we're in,
so we can always hang out.

After all, he is still just so little.