Friday, March 4, 2011

Trendy Tuesday v1

& Five For Friday - all in one!!  (can i get a hells ya?)

Five Fabulous Things I Love Today!

( And no, they do not ALL involve babies. )

1.  Bendy straws and the yummy drinks they come in

2.  Winter almost becoming spring

3.  Finding ridiculous deals at the mall

4.  Sadly, having a mini van

And my favorite thing at the moment:

5.  Joe Fresh

It's cheap, it's cheerful, it looks good, and it's actually half-decent!
( kinda like me.... ; )

Someone should be paying us endorsements for this one.

Happy Friday!


suzanne said...

currently wearing my ridiculously good deals at the moment! give the handsome boy a kiss for me! see you guys later on.

Gillian said...

Now THAT was a good trip to the mall. Thanks for coming to help!

aunt su said...

anytime! you know i loved it!

Kathy Engel said...

Love love love your site Gillian! It makes me smile, and makes me so very excited to see you guys very soon! Love you guys!

Kathy (and Justin sends his love too)
xoxo. Kiss little Jake for me, can't wait to meet him!