Friday, February 18, 2011

Trim it to win it

I think Dr. Nails must be feeling excluded these days,
 what with all this talk of wild men and advanced babies,
little laundry and the joys of motherhood.
Not that he would EVER admit it, mind you.
So I think it's time to pay him some much deserved attention...

Despite the fact that we haven't been talking much about him,
he has been hard at work on the finishing touches.

The windows look amazing with the trim up,
almost rivalling the beautiful view they frame.

And after a hard day's work the boys take a well deserved rest.

Yet another example of our dear Doctor's great skill.
He never ceases to amaze me, 
both in talent and his astonishing ability to look like a member of a 70's rock band.
And don't I love those 70's bands....

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