Monday, August 23, 2010

The Final Countdown

Yesterday we reached another major milestone, 
another miracle in what is proving hopefully to be a long succession of miracles. 
6 months!  Only 3 months left to go.
You know what that means - only 91 shopping days left!
This is better than christmas, 
the only difference being that we are the only ones celebrating.
Somehow that makes it even better I think......

 This is what 6 months looks like to me:

The biggest miracle of all is that I have made it this far, 
with what I like to think of as minimum fuss.
Oh sure, there was the time I was reduced to a soggy mess after 
spilling soil on my just swept floor, 
or the time I pickled beans and they wrinkled, 
which left me literally sobbing into my ice cream.

Of course there are going to be those itty bitty incidences, 
I'm only female after all, 
and truth be told those things just might have reduced me to tears any day of the 
week even before I discovered the joys of pregnancy hormones.
Overall though I choose to look back as fondly as possible on these last 6 months,
and I have deemed them a great success.
Fortunately both Dr. Nails and my family doctor concur : )

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