Now I know that we've had a few big days here at Building Bumps,
the milestones and memories have been fast and furious.
However, this day might have been the biggest yet.
( although I do believe that there is a bigger one coming very, very soon! )
This is the day you have all been waiting for.
Okay, okay; the day that I have been waiting for
Whatever. It was big.
There once was a wall that separated the new addition from our cute and cosy little house.
This wall was on the chopping block for a long time.
And finally the time had come.
SO: On your left, the new part. On your right, Dr Nails in the old part.
Bit by bit that little section of wall was disassembled.
Dismantled. And Destructed.
Sounds like fun hey.
It was, and mind-numbingly exciting to all involved.
An electrifying moment:
And now our cute and cosy little house is no more.
Instead we now have a big, badass home.
You have to yell to be heard across this great expanse of room,
and we are considering using the baby monitors as walkie-talkies to keep track of each other.
I do believe it's just in the nick of time too,
as we all know that other really big moment is but a heartbeat away.
Or maybe roughly a week.
All bets should be on the table soon though!
Tick. Tock.